
The Foundation for Australia's Most Endangered Species (FAME) is committed to funding on-ground conservation projects to save Australia’s endangered native flora and fauna.

Learn about the critical work that still requires your support. Click on an image below to open a dedicated page about that project.

Current Projects

You can choose to donate to one of the current projects below, or simply let us use your gift wherever the need is greatest

Success Stories

We sincerely thank all our loyal supporters. Below are some of our success stories to date, made possible by people like you.

The Kangaroo Island Assassin Spider

Successfully funded!

Securing the Red-tailed Phascogale

Successfully funded!

The Kangaroo Island Wilderness Project

Successfully funded!

Bringing back the Eastern Quoll

Successfully funded!

Red-Tailed Phascogale Research

Successfully funded!

Raising Rarity - Stages 1 & 2

Successfully funded!

Australian Fur Seal – PhD Research

Successfully funded!

Fighting the Invasive Cane Toad

Successfully funded!

Repopulation of the Western Quoll

Successfully funded!

Critical Monitoring of the KI Dunnart

Successfully funded!

Protection of Numbats

Successfully funded!

Guarding Paradise - ensuring the...

Successfully funded!

Protecting the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby

Successfully funded!

Bushfire & Recovery Appeal

Successfully funded!

Urgent action to save the Kangaroo...

Successfully funded!

Stop feral cats in their tracks

Successfully funded!

Hear the Cry of the Bush Stone-curlew

Successfully funded!

Saving a rainforest plant from...

Successfully funded!

Help the Southern Pink Underwing Moth...

Successfully funded!

Planting important habitat to save...

Successfully funded!

Saving the Mary River “Punk” Turtle

Successfully funded!

Help the Southern Bell Frog bounce back

Successfully funded!

Securing a future for the Eastern...

Successfully funded!

Safeguarding the Western Quoll

Successfully funded!

Saving the Iconic Cassowary

Successfully funded!

Securing the future of the Tall Astelia

Successfully funded!

Securing the future of Australia’s...

Successfully funded!

Finding the endangered Kangaroo...

Successfully funded!

Potoroos, Bettongs & Bandicoots!

Successfully funded!

Protecting the last wild populations...

Successfully funded!

Project Wild_

Successfully funded!

Keeping endangered wildlife safe at...

Successfully funded!

Mountain Pygmy Possum

Successfully funded!

Support of a PhD Research Study

Successfully funded!

Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby

Successfully funded!

Cane Toad

Successfully funded!

Mt Lofty Ranges Emu Wren

Successfully funded!

Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

Successfully funded!

Western Quoll

Successfully funded!

Brush-tailed Possum

Successfully funded!

Spiny Daisy

Successfully funded!

Tasmanian Devil

Successfully funded!

Saving Native Orchids

Successfully funded!

Burrowing Bettong

Successfully funded!

Endangered Mala at Scotia

Successfully funded!

Optimising Felixer

Successfully funded!

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