The aim of the project is to continue to develop and create three unfenced safer havens for the reintroduction of threatened and culturally significant species whilst maintaining habitats, increasing climate resilience and ensuring populations are nationally recognised in semi-arid South Australia. With 11 projects planned over 3 years, this $3million partnership includes a range of projects shown below.
Creating Three Safer Havens
A master project in collaboration with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW)
The Project
Securing Red-tailed Phascogale
$25,025 / $300,000
Repopulation of the Western Quoll
$5,200 / $130,000
Rebuilding Malleefowl Populations
$22,795 / $80,000
Bassian Thrush
Project coming soon
Short-tailed Grasswren
Project coming soon
Protecting Threatened Plants
Project coming soon
Recovering Iconic Plant Species
Project coming soon
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby
Project coming soon
Wirti Udla Vari
Project coming soon
Bringing Back Bilbies
Project coming soon
Protecting Sandhill Dunnarts
Project coming soon
All 11 projects need your support for overall success.
About the Three Safer Havens
Over the eleven years of partnering to deliver reintroduction projects, FAME and DEW have achieved significant ecological outcomes and demonstrated the potential and value of public-private partnerships. Together we have successfully brought the Western Quoll (chuditch, locally idnya) and Brushtail Possum (virlda) back to South Australia’s central and northern Flinders Ranges and are currently reintroducing Red-tailed Phascogales (kengoor) to the Gawler Ranges.
To protect these reintroduced populations, we will create and develop three unfenced safer havens, each approximately 500 km2 within the Ikara-Flinders Ranges, Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges and Gawler Ranges National Parks. Within these havens, we will look to recover threatened and iconic species, reverse extinctions and undertake threat mitigation.
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