Working to protect the West Kimberley Rock-Wallaby (Wiliji)

with WWF Australia and Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation. West Kimberley, Western Australia


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Found exclusively on Nyikina Mangala Country, and a culturally important endangered species, this Rock-wallaby is a gorgeous creature. Medium-sized with a body mass of 2.8-4.5 kg, its tail is about the same length as the combined length of the head and body. Shy by nature, this short, woolly, brushy-tailed wallaby has textured soles on its feet to grip the rocks that it hops over and among.


Vulnerable, Endangered in WA


Near Threatened


Feral Cats
Habitat Degradation
Human Impact
Invasive Foxes

Project Location:
West Kimberley, WA


The Project

FAME and WWF Australia will unite specifically to initiate a project to protect the Wiliji or West Kimberley Rock-Wallaby. Together, the partnership will co-fund support for the Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation and work of the Nyikina Mangala Rangers to improve the conservation of the endangered Wiliji.

Why we need to act

The Western Kimberley Rock-Wallaby is found in only three separated ranges in the Kimberleys. It is believed by the Nyikina Mangala people that the Wiliji was once more plentiful in their homeland, before the arrival of feral cats and foxes, and food-competitive livestock. The population was once estimated at 2,500 individuals, but has fallen to a mere 500. Without action, this beautiful and culturally significant species could disappear completely within the next 10 years.

Threats to the species

Unsurprisingly, the principal threats to its survival are predation by the introduced red fox and feral cats and, of course, fires that degrade habitat and reduce food supply and shelter. By focusing on threat management and in turn enhancing habitat, we can increase population numbers and distribution and prevent extinction of this species.

Solution and approach

Working with WWF as a funding partner, the project combines local knowledge and expertise with modern technology in the hope we will protect the Wiliji for generations to come.

Project partners and additional funding information

FAME is partnered with WWF Australia and the Walalakoo Aboriginal Coproration. Photos courtesy WWF Australia.

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