Saving the Red Handfish from extinction

In partnership with University of Tasmania and IMAS.


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The Red Handfish (Thymichthys politus) is tiny – at an average of 6cm, about the size of a man’s thumb. It walks rather than swims and, alarmingly, just 100 of these beautiful fish now survive in a small area of ocean off Tasmania. Being a species of marine anglerfish which scientists know very little about, when asked for support, FAME simply could not allow this species to disappear.

The total project cost is just over $1,000,000.
$475,000 will come from funding partners.


Critically Endangered


Critically Endangered


Habitat Degradation
Human Impact
Climate Change

Project Location:
Hobart, TAS


The Project

FAME will partner with the University of Tasmania and the Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies to assist with captive breeding, ecosystem restoration and pest species management as well as all the associated environmental work. It is worth noting that, as part of this four-year program, our partners will attempt a world first by ‘teaching’ the fish how to survive in their relocated habitat.

Why we need to act

It is estimated that only 100 Red Handfish survive in the wild, with both populations limited to two small patches of reef. Travelling no more than 30 metres per year, the species is highly vulnerable to disappearing over the brink.

Saving this rare and unique species shores up the country’s environmental biodiversity and gives scientists an opportunity to fill gaps in our knowledge of Australia’s flora and fauna.

Threats to the species

The various species of seaweeds and seagrasses in the area form the habitat and vital shelter for the Red Handfish. Additionally, they are used to lay their eggs on. This habitat has seen major losses due in large part to a booming population of native sea urchins which feed on the weeds and grasses.

The sites in which the Red Handfish populations survive are also close to urban areas, and are further impacted by pollution, runoff, increased sedimentation, and human interference. Climate change is also another aspect suspected to impact the species.

Solution and approach

The four-year program, which will be led by Dr Jemina Stuart-Smith, will employ:

  • Captive breeding and, as information is gathered, adapting elements of the program.

  • Ecosystem restoration.

  • Pest species management including removing an endemic but dominant sea urchin population.

  • Releasing the captive-bred fish into wild.

  • In a world first, “teaching” the species to adapt, improving their chances of survival in their natural habitat.

Other outcomes for the project

The overarching outcome is to save a critically endangered species from extinction using best practice conservation techniques especially adapted for the Red Handfish.

Other key factors for success include:

  • Successful captive breeding.

  • Developing techniques that support planning and management for marine conservation.

  • Continuation of a whole of-system approach to research, education, and outreach through the combination of aquaculture-based conservation strategies.

  • More direct engagement with the community via more focused communication and consultation.

  • Achieving the objectives outlined in The Australian National Recovery Plan for Three Handfish Species (Commonwealth and Tasmanian governments, 2016).

Project partners and additional funding information

University of Tasmania (UTAS) and the Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies (IMAS)

Project Update: December 2024

232 hatchlings are now thriving in the largest captive breeding event ever achieved for the Red Handfish – and it’s a vital step in safeguarding the future of one of the world's rarest fish.

“This program is improving in leaps and bounds. These individuals represent triple the captive Red Handfish population in Tasmania,” said IMAS researcher Dr Andrew Trotter, who co-leads the handfish conservation breeding program at the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS).

“It’s very encouraging to have successfully bred the species in captivity in three consecutive breeding seasons, and feels like our team is making significant ground in saving the species.” 

Dr Trotter said the eggs took just over 50 days to hatch after fertilisation and were cared for by their doting mothers during that time.

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