
SPECIES: Caladenia behrii — Pink-lipped Spider-orchid


Endangered and endemic to South Australia, the Pink-lipped Spider-orchid grows a single, narrow, hairy leaf with one or two creamy, white flowers topped with pink tips. Petals and sepals are spread quite widely, with drooping, thread-like ends. This orchid is dependent on a particular species of male wasp for pollination, when it attempts to copulate with the labellum. Generally found growing in woodland and currently known from only two populations outside of Adelaide. And if you can imagine this, the flowers of the Pink-lipped Spider-orchid have a distinctive scent – of a candlewick recently snuffed!

The main reason for its decline is the loss of habitat due to land clearing. Remaining populations are currently small and highly fragmented – and with that, the species also has low genetic viability. Not an ideal place to be.

Photo: Kayle Gordon

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