
SPECIES: Mixophyes fleayi — Fleay's Barred Frog


Fleay's Barred Frog is a large burrowing frog species, at 90mm, is light brown with darker blotches and 7-8 bars along its arms and legs. This species is often found in the leaf litter along watercourses in the rainforest regions of south-east Queensland and north-east New South Wales. Also listed as an endangered species on the worldwide IUCN Red List, Fleay's Barred Frog is under threat from habitat degradation by feral animals, domestic stock and the invasion of weeds, urban development and disease at the very least.

FAME is proud to announce our partnership with ReForest Now for an Enrichment Program focusing on increasing flora species diversity in existing large-scale tree plantings and regenerations sites, to improve the ecological structure and function. More than 50 endangered and vulnerable native fauna species - including the Fleay's Barred Frog - will benefit and be able to flourish through this program. To make a donation or find out more, visit the project page of the website

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