
Last week, FAME’s CEO Tracy McNamara was on site at the Tondoon Botanic Gardens in Gladstone. Important work is now underway to propagate Bulburin Nut trees to create insurance populations that will guard against the extinction of this endangered macadamia nut species.

All made possible by donations to FAME, the Foundation has partnered with the Macadamia Conservation Trust with the involvement of the Gidarjil Rangers (Traditional Owners of M. jansenii habitat), the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, the University of the Sunshine Coast and the Tondoon Botanic Gardens at Gladstone.

Over 80% of wild native macadamia trees have been lost since European settlement. Faced with this statistic, it is no wonder that all four of the macadamia species are listed on the EPBC List as threatened species. In particular, there are only 90 known trees of the rarest Bulburin Nut or Macadamia jansenii remaining in one small area of natural habitat.

Why is it urgent to protect Macadamia jansenii from extinction?

The macadamia nut is a national icon of Australia. It is an important part of our country's history and culture and is one of very few Australian native foods to be exported all over the world. More specifically, Macadamia jansenii is part of an ecosystem providing habitat for a complex range of other native flora and fauna species, including the Spotted-tailed Quoll, the Silver-headed Antechinus (both endangered) and the vulnerable Tusked Frog.

This tiny population of Bulburin Nut is 180km north of the other macadamia species and represents a time when sub-tropical rainforest extended along the east coast. To lose it would be devastating to the macadamia genus. As is our vision, FAME has committed to this project so that together, we can prevent the extinction of Macadamia jansenii.

For further project information, please contact the Foundation on 08 8374 1744 or email

Photo above: Brent Braddick from Tondoon Botanic Gardens and FAME CEO Tracy McNamara observing a healthy Macadamia jansenii plant at the Gardens.

Photo below: Young Macadamia jansenii plants in the Tondoon Botanic Gardens nursery growing well.

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